Kevin (Kazuhito) Naruse
Kevin (Kazuhito) Naruse

Although having a social media account may be free if you add the time and the cost of hiring someone, it really is not. Agencies with finite budgets and resources might wonder how adding social media marketing to your list of priorities can be worthwhile.

Social media is an increasingly popular outlet for discussions around mental health, allowing people to share personal experiences, and anonymous self-disclosures, give or receive advice from others with similar mental health conditions, and build their own circle of support.

There are more than 18 billion views under the mental health hashtag on TikTok, ranging from users sharing their personal experiences with mental illness to providing tips on how to cope with its effects.

With 59% of the world’s population on social media, this can make it an important tool to reach individuals from all backgrounds.

Communicate directly with an audience otherwise unreachable.

Take the nation’s youth, for example. Technology is likely to be an effective way to deliver culturally-tailored interventions to youth.

Consider these stats:

Open up and enable peer-to-peer networks, unrestrained by geography and national borders

Many people have smartphones, even if they don’t have computers, and younger people especially are active on social media.

Despite many health experts calling it a second pandemic; during a pandemic, social media also became the only way to stay in touch outside the home. Although not a crutch to actual social interaction, this “virtual lifeline” kept doors open to local events and new social connections in the real world.

Form new pathways of communication, where peers can safely share, inform, and support other peers

“We are not saying online can completely replace the need to go see someone in person. We believe online resources can help you get to professional resources if needed.”

Diane Neal, Information and Media Studies professor, University of Western Ontario [3]

The ability to maintain anonymity has proven to be highly beneficial for people who are feeling stigmatized and afraid to openly identify as peers with lived experience. The same cloak of anonymity gives them the ability to say what’s on their mind free of fear; for fear of being shamed.

Grow brand awareness outside “Google”

Nowadays everything is found on Google, right? Not exactly. Not anymore.

According to a recent Forbes article, TikTok has surpassed Google as the most visited site in the world,

[Related: 14 Stats That Prove Social Content Influences Consumer Buying Behavior]

Let’s start with the obvious: People are likelier to believe their friends, friends of friends, peers, or family members over an ad. [4]

If you are an ad trying to stand out, the marketer is already at a disadvantage.

Also, whether you use social media or not, it will affect you, both for good and for bad.

The bad:

If you are not active on social media, you won’t be able to detect and respond to any negative reviews or mentions people might make about you. People may be posting reviews and mentioning your brand, whether you are aware of it or not.

The good:

If the blog you wrote is getting shared by other people on Facebook, it sends “social signals” to search engines. These “social signals” are “felt” by search engines, which rank you accordingly.

Social signals (they are called) will boost your ranking on Google, Bing, and other search engines. You can link posts to your website, blogs, and other content, increasing the visibility of your brand online.

Ultimately, it’s the people the brand represents, not the brand

Consumers are 71% more likely to purchase based on social media referrals. [1]

This is your opportunity to share personal stories with actual people, whether as staff or clients. That may serve as an inspiration for other people on a similar Journey. Your social media feed can become a repository of useful information and testimonials of successes.

Posting pictures, videos, quotes, and/or fun facts about your staff can put users at ease. [4]

Your agency’s social media feed can be a fountain” of inspiration, helpful tips, and a source for connections with local events and new contacts.

You can cut through all the negativity on social media

Do you ever go on Facebook or Instagram looking for inspiration or useful information? You could be the source of that, and here are some ways to build a groundswell of trust with your audience.

An engaging social media presence means you can be the counter-narrative for countless people seeking help, hope, counsel, or support. Even if the difference is made for a handful or few people, it will be for them, and they might end up as your clients.

One of the most underestimated features of social media is the power of direct messages.

Opening up your channels for direct messages to users looking for help offers additional options for people reluctant to use hotlines or make a phone call.


Social media can advance health equity

In the world of public health, social media is now considered an important way to reach target audiences, either to deliver health promotion messages directly to those we serve or to drive viewers to websites and other resources for more information.

Social media can be an important tool to reach individuals with low socioeconomic status characteristics with health resources and tips.

Sources and additional resources

Leverage Employees To Drive Social Media Engagement For Your Brand


People Trust People More than Brands [4]

Managing Mental Health Misinformation on Social Media [3]

Social Media and Youth Mental Health: How to Find Balance After Pandemic Spikes in Use