Gamers should be proud of themselves: science has proven that video games are beneficial to our minds and consciousness. It turns out that with such leisure time activities, you can achieve notable heights in the fields of self-development and mental health. More importantly, video games stimulate our brains and reduce the likelihood of depression. What do you know about the benefits of video games?

Depression is a severe psychological illness characterized by an oppressed mood and a decrease or loss of the ability to enjoy life. A depressed person may be unable to work for months or even years.

It ends up being a disaster for the students. Fortunately, there are numerous academic writing services reviews websites that can accept some of their written work to alleviate the situation. Nonetheless, for some people, depression is a chronic mental illness that worsens during the winter. It may come as a surprise, but video games have emerged as one of the most effective solutions to the problem.

[Related: Can we talk about video games and depression?

Can Video Games Help Fight Depression?

For the first time, a similar idea was expressed by the scientist Brian Sutton-Smith, who has dedicated his life to studying the psychological aspects of the game. He rose to prominence in the 1950s and 1960s when he studied the impact of entertainment on children and adults.

He discovered that during the game, people become more confident and energetic, and they experience strong positive emotions. Another study dedicated to gaming that was published in the journal Nature Communications found that the logic of video games is consistent with the main directions of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), one method of treating depression.

According to statistics, more than 1.23 billion people enjoy playing computer games, but more importantly, we now understand what is going on in these people’s heads. According to research, when a person plays video games, two areas of his brain are constantly stimulated: the one responsible for motivation and the one that makes him want to achieve new goals.

How Can Gaming Improve Your Mental Health?

People are intensely focused on completing the required task during such entertainment. In their minds, playing video games is the same as writing a paper. While writing may necessitate checking reviews by students on writing services reviews websites, playing video games does not necessitate any extra effort.

It makes no difference whether one solves difficult problems, searches for hidden objects, races to the finish line, or scores the most points. Any of these objectives completely captivates gamers’ attention, motivates them, and forces them to focus. People expect to succeed, and the corresponding proportion of the brain begins to work actively, forcing them to want victory.

To benefit from games, keep your goals in mind at all times. Here are some examples of how games can be used to help people develop their skills and overcome depression:

  • Improve family relationships (Scrabble);
  • Develop creativity (Minecraft);
  • Solve problems (Portal);
  • Boost your stress tolerance (League of Legends).

[Related: Is Video Game Addiction a Mental Health Disorder?]

Top Benefits Of Playing Video Games

The researchers discovered that by playing with purpose, you can not only overcome depression but also boost your self-confidence and develop skills that will help you in real life.

Playing to improve (at anything) lowers your risk of developing depression and makes you more resilient to changing life circumstances. Aside from that, playing video games offers a range of advantages:

Crime Decrease

Various scientists have attempted to link infatuation with computer games to real-world violence and cruelty throughout the years. Scientists from Rutgers University and Villanova University did a study in which they correlated the release dates of violent video games with crime rates in the USA.

They discovered that when sales of shooting games hit a peak, the number of crimes decreases.

Assistance In Learning

Columbia University researchers concluded that children who play video games for five or more hours per week have fewer psychological problems and learn better.

Brain Development

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and St. Hedwig Hospital proposed that subjects play Mario for 30 minutes every day for two months. Their research showed that the game stimulates areas of the brain associated with memory, speech, sensual perception, and muscle control.

Improved Focus

The researchers conducted an experiment in which a group of gamers and a group of average people were asked to complete two similar tasks in a row, the primary objective of which was to search for embossments in the texture of the image for a while. The following day, they were shown the same tasks again and asked to estimate the time it took to complete them.

It was discovered that gamers improved their performance in both tasks, whereas the second group only improved in the second. According to the researchers, switching to the second task on the first day harmed assimilation of the first, and participants remembered what they did last. At the same time, both the first and second tasks were well remembered by gamers.

Help With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Scientists from the University of California, in collaboration with Akili Interactive Labs, created a project called EVO. It is a game that aids children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorders.

The study included 38 children aged 8 to 11 who had been diagnosed with the problem. During the month, they played EVO for 25 minutes per day, five times per week. As a result, 20 of the participants significantly improved.

[Related: How Play Supports Kids’ Mental Health and Emotional Development]

The Ultimate Takeaway

Video games can and should be incorporated into your daily life. They not only have a stronger effect than regular pills, but also improve the overall physical condition of patients. The University of San Francisco, for example, has demonstrated that physical therapy with Wii and Kinect improves balance in people with Parkinson’s disease.

The video game Guitar Hero aids in the treatment of post-stroke finger paralysis. Before taking any steps to use video games as “medicine,” you must remember that such therapy is not appropriate for everyone and should be chosen individually based on the testimony of the attending physician.

Author bio:Author - Frank Hamilton

Frank Hamilton is a blogger and translator from Manchester. He is a professional writing expert in such topics as blogging, digital marketing, and self-education. He also loves traveling and speaks Spanish, French, German, and English.