It is official! On May 19, 2022, Rayshell Chambers our Co-Executive Director was appointed to the statewide Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission by California Governor Gavin Newsom.
The Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission was created in 2004 from Proposition 63, approved by California voters; to drive transformational change across the state’s mental health system.
Rayshell Chambers, Co-Executive Director
The Commission advises the Governor and Legislature on mental health policy, and its primary function is to oversee the implementation of the Mental Health Services Act. The Commission distributes grants, collects and shares spending and efficacy data on local programs, spreads best practices, conducts research into critical subject areas like criminal justice involvement of people with mental health needs, and engages experts to develop policy proposals and other pathbreaking solutions.

Governor Gavin Newsom’s Announcement

Click Here to Read Announcement
MHSOAC’s Press Release
Click Here to Read Press Release