

My tears reflect your face, As I look at you and gaze, Do you see me in my watery depths, Drowning before you? My tears are memories, Thoughts written in pools, I look at you from beneath, The lagoon of emotional wreckage. My tears touch your face, As you hold me in...
Normally Monsters Are Under The Bed

Normally Monsters Are Under The Bed

Normally monsters are under the bed Not mine… Mine are hidden inside my head. Waiting and shaking Too scared to speak Too broken to dream It’s a sad fate Feeling lost in a place that should make you feel safe. But what do I know? I’m only one of the millions trying to...


Who are you? I see you. Are you a ghost? I see your face, your expression, your clothes, how you walk; in a line up I could pick you out. Then you disappear and I know you’re not real. Where are you? I hear you. Chatter, chatter, taunt; from the right of me, the left...
Emotionally Blunt

Emotionally Blunt

I sit and stare. Unwilling to move, I just gaze into the air. There’s nothing there. A black hole of emotion, blunted, stunted, static, drastic depths of despair, I sit and stare. I sit and stare. Brain fog consumes my glare, hazy, crazy, glued to my chair. Still...
Among the Many

Among the Many

I am the one among the many, I sit beneath the stars, in a field of dandelions, I am the thistle in the dark; I am the misprint on the page, when other words conform, to their perfect sentences for life, I deviate from the norm. I am the one among the many, alone-ness...
The Beginning

The Beginning

All my life I craved to be as beautiful as a flower. I wanted the ambience, the essence, and the admiration. In the spring, I would watch the bees rushing to get a taste of all the flowers they could get. I wondered what it felt like to be craved that bad… I would...