99% Ape, 1% Fruitcake

99% Ape, 1% Fruitcake

We are 99% ape (Silvertown, 2008).   That’s part of being human. That’s DNA for you so there’s no getting away from that, and, why would we want to do so?   Our ape relatives are astute, intuitive, communicative, loving, helpful to each other, intelligent,...

Why the Brain?

Our human brain is our advantage over all other animals, and potentially the source of our downfall. It is the most fascinating of organs, yet remains poorly understood even as the scientific community makes quantum leaps forward in understanding its processes and...

The Stigma of Being Mentally Ill and Unemployed

A few weeks ago, I called the local food pantry to set up an appointment to receive my pantry bag. The woman working there had to ask me a series of questions, including what my name was, how many people lived in my household, and if I was employed. I answered each...