The Digital Divide and Mental Health: Part I of II

The Digital Divide and Mental Health: Part I of II

How are mental health and digital literacy-related? Let’s start by defining mental health. Mental well-being must be defined as something more than the absence of mental illness; it is defined as a positive mental state that allows individuals and populations to...
What NOT To Say To Someone Living With Depression

What NOT To Say To Someone Living With Depression

It’s very important to know what to say when interacting with someone who is struggling with depression, but very often we have no idea how to be supportive to a friend or family member who is going through depression. In this post, I’ll be discussing what NOT to say...
Rethinking Core Assumptions on Mental Health Care

Rethinking Core Assumptions on Mental Health Care

“The significant problems we face can not be solved at the same level of thinking with which it was created.” ~Albert Einstein Much has been said about the stigma surrounding mental illness. As emotionally loaded the phrase “mental illness” is, little is...