Do you feel overwhelmed by the emotions and hardships you’re going through? Do you feel lonely at times?  Do you talk enough about your feelings with people?

What’s the point of talking to someone?

We’ve all been in situations where we feel alone, abandoned or misunderstood that has caused immense pain to our emotional, spiritual and mental health. Although we all go through this, talking with someone about your feelings can be hard. However, being able to talk to someone is important to your mental health. There are times when we are feeling blue, stressed, angry, etc. or dealing with a certain situation that we do not know how to handle. Sometimes, we brush off these emotions and do not want to deal with them because they are too painful to talk about. Keeping things inside causes those feelings to build up which can lead to confusion. Openly talking to someone about what’s going on can help clarify what you are feeling or experiencing. Discussing with someone about the obstacles you are experiencing can help put things into perspective by exploring reasons why you might be feeling a certain emotion or exploring solutions to a difficult situation. Carrying bottled up emotions can be overwhelming and draining, therefore, talking with someone can help lift the weight off of your chest.

Who should I talk to?

Deciding who to talk to is an important step. It is essential that you trust and feel comfortable in opening up to that person. It can be a close friend, family member, teachers, or going to talk to a counselor who is outside the situation. Think about a person that you trust and know that they are willing to listen to you. The individual you’re thinking about should have some of these characteristics:

  • Empathetic
  • Good listener
  • Dependable
  • Kind
  • Compassionate
  • Nonjudgmental

You want to reach out to someone you feel at ease with because it will make discussing your situation a lot easier.

No, therapy is not for crazy people.

If you cannot identify someone who you feel comfortable talking to, then there are counselors or therapist that can assist you. Society has created a negative picture of counselors or therapists- that people who seek their help are crazy. That is not the case! Counselors and therapists are here to listen and provide you the support you need to discuss those feelings and emotions that you are experiencing. They provide you with a safe space and your information is confidential. If you are not comfortable with a counselor or therapist,  you always have the option to change to another counselor or therapist. Your mental health is vital and speaking to someone outside of your personal life can help.

Let’s start talking.

If you are experiencing negative feelings or emotions and do not talk to someone about them it can lead to mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. Do not wait! Talking to someone such as friends, family, or someone outside your social support can help with your mental health wellbeing. Try to identify those people that you trust and have their numbers handy. We all need someone to talk to. Do not be afraid to express what you are feeling or going through. Don’t let those thoughts, feeling, or emotions running through your head consume you.

Remember: If you are feeling blue, pick up the phone, and call that person that you trust. It will help you feel better after talking about whatever you are feeling or going through. Do not feel that you have to go through those feelings or emotions alone. You never know, that person that you talk to might have/had similar experiences as you.

For more articles on talking about your feelings, check these out:

  1. Don’t Bury Your Feelings
  2. Looking After Your Mental Health
  3. Benefits of Talking To Someone