By Daniel Cruz

The global pandemic has upended the healthcare sector, and to adapt, technology became the answer. Healthcare tech moved forward faster than ever, from better HIPAA security to cutting-edge technology. Artificial intelligence has become part of the solutions in the mental health sector.

While AI has many uses in other industries, it also helps clinicians accurately diagnose mental health. Here’s how it does the job and improves mental health strategies.

  1. Artificial Intelligence Helps Detect Anxiety

Anxieties and fears are common. However, they can become debilitating and even dangerous. That’s why it’s vital to detect them early on. Artificial intelligence helps with that. 

Artificial intelligence, or machine learning, is a branch of computer science that deals with the automation of tasks. In medicine, it’s used to help humans do their job more efficiently.

Artificial Intelligence can detect anxiety in patients. The algorithm monitors the patient’s speech and facial expressions. When a patient shows fear or fatigue, the algorithm alerts the human clinician to possible underlying anxiety disorders.

While it’s not perfect, it’s still a promising step toward diagnosing mental health problems. The research team also developed a patch that measures sweat and heart rate, improving the diagnosis accuracy.

  1. AI Provides Better Mental Health Therapy Plans

Mental health patients need customized plans, which traditionally take much time. Sometimes, the therapy was found to be lacking, too, resulting in relapse.

When patients get diagnosed with a mental disorder, they often go through psychotherapy. There are numerous types of therapy, but deciding which would work for the specific patient is tricky. 

The system uses advanced machine learning algorithms to process detailed clinical data. It can then recommend specific therapy and combine them in a particular sequence.

Treatment planning helps customize care. It considers factors like the physical and mental health of the person who needs the help. It also factors their whole life situation, like their family and relationships. From sensory deprivation therapy to psychotherapy, an AI can try to consider as many scenarios as possible.

  1. AI Helps Refine Diagnostics And Patient Monitoring

Diagnosing mental disorders is hard. While psychiatrists have mainly relied on clinical interviews for decades, modern technologies can help them develop more precise diagnostics. 

Diagnosing and treating mental disorders require more than just talking to a therapist. They also rely on lab tests and scans. These diagnostic tools will also become smarter thanks to the power of algorithms. 

Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem developed a new neural network that detects suicidality from the text. They also created an algorithm that analyzes tweets with higher precision. It helps reveal suicidal thoughts by showing behavioral and linguistic patterns.

  1. Artificial Intelligence Keeps Therapy Standards High With Quality Control

Mental health professionals often have to struggle to provide patients with high-quality treatment. With new digital tools, that’s easier today. A lack of quality control can cause poor treatment practices. 

Of course, this leads to less patient satisfaction, too. Healthcare and mental health services should offer straightforward and effective methods. 

Today, building a digital platform is a part of many treatments. It can help to increase compliance by reducing administrative burdens. Meanwhile, it helps improve the coordination of care and saves time for the patients and healthcare providers.  

 Healthcare facilities can also utilize digital health platforms to ensure quality control. A well-managed system provides therapists with information about their patient’s progress. It can also help flag potential problems as soon as possible. 

  1. Telehealth Helps With Mental Health Support

Telemedicine has become more common, benefiting those suffering from mental health issues. While in-person visits are still necessary for some cases, a routine follow-up is doable via telemedicine.   

A doctor or psychologist utilizes a secure video connection to communicate with distant clients. This reduces stress and allows them to widen the potential client base. High-quality telehealth services often include online appointment scheduling and reminder functions. This is very helpful to busy patients who may forget to go for regular sessions.

Since the rise of telemedicine, concerns have been raised about the quality of online therapy sessions. Some medical experts expressed concern that remotely delivered services might only work for specific problems.  

Telemedicine has been popular in other countries, and its popularity keeps growing. There are already more than one million virtual consultations a year. 

One of the dangers is that using only an online portal for consultation and delivery would lower the level of care. Artificial intelligence allows easier telemedicine support, including chatbots and crisis intervention.

  1. AI Helps Justify Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Counseling is the backbone of cognitive behavior therapies, especially for children with chronic or special needs. With traditional CBT, many patients felt uncomfortable because they either struggled to understand it or didn’t like it. 

A more complex issue and insurance coverage could cost thousands of dollars. Why? It can be expensive for both the doctor and the insurance company. Patients with limited or no insurance couldn’t go for cognitive behavioral therapies.  

Now, many companies are introducing software that demonstrates how their plan works. Patients can get their questions answered before they can even sign up. This increases their understanding and makes the financial commitment more palatable to them. 

When it comes to CBT, on-time interventions are paramount. Therapeutic activities must start within the first few weeks after the onset of the disorder. Early screening and appropriate referral are crucial for children. Otherwise, this causes psychological distress and physical and behavioral impairment. 

  1. Mental Health Apps Offer Personalized Treatments 

Mobile applications have brought computers into our daily lives. With it, we have access to a world of information. These apps are also proving helpful in helping those with mental illness.   

A wide range of mental health and counseling apps are available. They help recognize warning signs and prompt users to seek professional help. Smartphone-based programs can track moods and habits to track stress levels.   

The rise of mobile apps has changed the lives of many people. It boosted the mental health and self-help industry. Many apps help people track their moods and thoughts, while others provide therapeutic exercises, breaking them down into easy-to-complete activities.   

The beauty of these programs is that they can analyze the user’s life. Together with a healthcare professional, they can provide personalized advice. It can make the process of seeking mental healthcare services less stressful.

The Bottom Line

Medical science has made immense strides with the incorporation of emerging technologies. It transformed the sector and made them more efficient. The developments are particularly interesting for the medical community. 

The use of artificial intelligence and big data offers invaluable benefits. Clinicians can now make more informed medical decisions faster than ever.