My world is ablaze with color,

A spectrum of delights,

I open my arms

And welcome the world,

Invincible, breathtaking heights.

I see a happy place,

A brightness so shimmering light,

Gleeful yet wistful,

But happy and blissful,

No darkness threatening my flight.

I zoom above clouds in my mind,

A mental playground so pure,

It’s Spring and I sing,

The joy that it brings,

Clearly illuminates thought.

My Sights are ablaze with color,

Everywhere I see,

Signs that are brilliant,

In all different hues,

The colors that vibrantly seek,

To lift and to lighten me.

Joyful days so bright,

Stay with me day and night,

Don’t leave my vision,

To the colours I listen,

Their magical properties bring light,

In a cauldron of earthly delights.

My world is ablaze with color,

A spectrum of delights,

I open my arms

And welcome the world,

Invincible, breathtaking heights.