Painted Brain has partnered with the LA County Department of Mental Health through the CalMHSA: Help @Hand Project to implement outreach and engagement activities as well as peer-led training on digital health literacy and app education.

PB disseminated a survey to individuals throughout LA County to gauge their willingness to utilize mental wellness apps, PB found that the majority of respondents were open to using them on various digital platforms.
However, respondents noted recurring barriers to utilizing smartphones for wellness included: a lack of knowledge in how smartphones can be used to support mental wellness, and that individuals simply did not know how to use their smartphones.
PB’s Digital Health (DHL) Curriculum provides support for individuals to improve their digital health literacy as well as their overall personal wellness. Through PB’s peer-led train the trainer model, the DHL Curriculum provides the opportunity for PB to train peers on the curriculum and then provide job opportunities for them to facilitate digital health training to others.
PB specializes in creative population-centered outreach and engagement strategies when providing psychoeducation to vulnerable populations.

In the video below – PB hosted the “First of its Kind” Appy Hour on digital health literacy, at the Coastal API Health Center in Gardena. This was the first of a series of events organized around empowering the use of digital technology to enhance mental health.

We will soon also be training the Northern California region on best practices on outreach and engagement.