Hello everyone!

You have received this email because you have been a previous contributor to PB’s website and are welcome to write further content for us.

If you would like to write a new piece, we have added fresh blog titles based on topics most trending in mental health.

Are you a talented graphic designer?

Painted Brain’s blog features articles and commentary pieces from a wide community of volunteer writers on topics relating to mental health.

We need to add infographics, digitized art, and other visual designs to feature in many blog articles – including social media.

Examples attached below

  1. A PB blog with a graphic or infographic
  2. A PB blog paired with an infographic on a social media post

Selected social media posts will be featured on one or more of our numerous social media channels. If you are interested, please reach out directly to submissions@paintedbrain.org.

Please check out this Google sheet containing usable topics. Once you have chosen your topic, please put your name or initials in the right column under Author to reserve it, so we won’t have duplicate writings on the same topics. 

— The FULL TOPIC LIST is here.

Please avoid any topics that have a strikethrough or have a name in the next column to the right.

If you have specific topics not on this list that you would like to work on, please feel free to reach out to me directly.

If you are receiving this email, then you have signed up for Painted Brain’s FREE Disability Cultural Competency Training
Funding awarded by Ability Central enables us to implement our Disability Cultural Competency Development Project, which aims to provide culturally appropriate best practices accessibility training for mental health providers to increase their awareness and capacity to serve individuals with disabilities.
Part 1 of our Training will take place on Wednesday, November 29 from 9AM to 1PM PST and Part 2 will take place Wednesday, December 6 from 9AM to 1PM PST virtually on Zoom.
Please save the dates via our calendar invitation (hyperlinked): Add to Google Calendar
Roque Bucton and Maggie Yeo will be your knowledgeable and engaging instructors for the course! They are included in this email if there are any questions or accommodations you would like to request ahead of time.
Thank you for your participation. We look forward to meeting you soon!
The Painted Brain Disability Cultural Competency Team