A rainy spring day can be a huge downer, especially for an outdoorsy person. But it doesn’t have to be. Instead of sitting idle indoors and feeling all gloomy, you can make the most of rainy weather by being deliberate about cheering yourself up. There are a ton of fun and self-care activities that you can do with your significant other, friends, family, or even yourself when it rains. Just to get you started, here are 10 self-care ideas that will turn your frown upside down on a rainy spring day:

Skincare spa day

If you are like most people, your skin tends to get a bit dull and dry in rainy and/or cold weather. That’s all the reason you need to convince yourself to budget for a skincare spa day. All the dullness and dryness will be gone with one quick facial appointment. It always feels good to have glowing, healthy skin.

If you cannot go to a spa, you can always turn your home into a DIY spa. You’ll need some sugar scrub from the kitchen, some coconut oil some lotion, moisturizers, and a facials DIY YouTube video to get started.

Note: Besides getting your facials, you can also treat yourself to a full-body massage, a hot pool bath, hand & foot treatment, or body waxing.

Motivate yourself through reading or writing

Reading a good book, whether fictional or non-fictional, is great for your mind and soul. You can read inspirational materials written by people who had their odds stacked against them but succeeded nonetheless. Some books will point you in the direction of prosperity be it in your career, marriage, spirituality, and many other spheres of life and humanity. Some books are comedic and entertaining- those make a good distraction especially when you’re down emotionally on a rainy day.

Reading and writing go hand in hand. Use the downtime on a rainy spring day to write a journal, put down your conscious thoughts on paper, create a gratitude list, or write short stories/poems. Your writing doesn’t have to be perfect- just write in whatever language or format you feel comfortable using. By the time you’re putting that pen down, your head will feel lighter, your purpose in life will be clearer to you, your mind will be more peaceful, and your soul will be extra nourished.

Treat yourself to a good meal and a latte

If we are being real, nothing shouts “self-care” on a rainy day than good food. Rainy days are perfect for trying out new recipes, baking, and just being a master chef in the kitchen. Again remember, you aren’t going for perfection here. Just cook your favorite meal in the best way you can. You, however, should ensure that the food is nutritious and healthy enough to leave you feeling radiant even on a cold, rainy day.

Be your barista for the day and make yourself the best homemade latte ever. You will feel warmer sipping a warm beverage as you binge-watch your favorite TV show or movie. Remember to add extra honey to your hot beverage for your sweet tooth!

Retail Therapy

On a rainy spring day, sometimes the best way to lift your spirits is with a little retail therapy, and you have two options to choose from.

  • In-Person Shopping: Grab your umbrella and head to your favorite shopping district or mall. Exploring the stores, trying on new outfits, and discovering unique items can be a delightful way to spend your time. Even if you’re on a budget, window shopping can be just as therapeutic. The act of browsing and imagining new additions to your wardrobe or home can bring a sense of excitement and rejuvenation, making the rainy-day blues a thing of the past.
  • Online Shopping: If you prefer the comfort of your own home on a rainy day, consider indulging in some online shopping. You can explore a wide range of options, from clothing to accessories, and yes, even luxurious dresses online. Keep an eye out for online sales and discounts that can help you score that elegant dress you’ve been eyeing at a more budget-friendly price. Online retailers often have a variety of choices, so you can find something that suits your style without breaking the bank.

Go out if possible

If it isn’t down-pouring, there is no reason you’re stuck indoors! Grab your raincoat, boots, umbrella, and camera, and head out for a rain walk. There are many self-care activities that you can do outdoors on a rainy day. Among them:

  •         Take photos of your rain-coated surroundings. This helps you see your neighborhood with a new set of eyes… a good shower makes the world a little more beautiful.
  •         Attend to your outdoor garden. You will get a sense of accomplishment and self-love when you do.
  •         Go on a shopping spree. If your balances can’t allow you to shop, window shopping on a rainy day can also be therapeutic.
  •         Try out a new restaurant.
  •         Visit a museum and immerse yourself in history or art.
  •         Visit a theater for a live show.

Another idea would be to fly out or drive to a warmer destination. That’s if it’s still safe to fly or drive. If you are in the US, for example, you can bet on the Southwest to be warmer than the rest of America on a rainy spring day. Fly to Nevada, California, Utah, or Arizona for warmer, more outdoorsy weather. If you happen to choose Nevada, be sure to visit Las Vegas for an entertaining, carefree weekend. Also, remember to visit one of these upscale Las Vegas hair salons for a quick hair retouch. They will help you oil your hair and treat it to avoid breakage during your visit. In case you get rained on, these salons will help you wash out the rainwater (that is in most cases loaded with pollutants) from your hair.

Get your heart pumping

Exercise as much as you can to get your heart pumping. Working out indoors is good for your cardiovascular health, it is entertaining, and it will help you maintain a healthy weight. There are many workout ideas that you can experiment with, from walking up and down the stairs, lifting weights, and skip-jumping, to doing yoga. There also are many informative resources on YouTube that you can utilize for a successful at-home exercise routine.


A mini-guided meditation is one of the most underrated self-care ideas ever! There is comfort in sitting quietly by yourself, taking in positive energy, and breathing out negative energy.  You can then finish your meditation with some gentle stretching. Magical!

Declutter your space

This doesn’t exactly fit into the conventional definition of “self-care”, but it is if you think about it. For starters, being stuck in a cluttered environment can take a huge toll on your mental health. Cleaning your house, rearranging it, and decluttering will leave the house smelling nice and being a lot more habitable. Furthermore, tidying up around your house is a form of exercise- it is better than lying in bed all day. And lastly, you’ll feel more accomplished and proud when you finish cleaning the house.

Take an online class

There are plenty of online courses that you can pursue in the comfort of your home, and that can transform your personal and professional life completely. Some of the life-changing online courses worth checking out include Big Data analytics, website building, app development, foreign languages, SEO, social media marketing, and time management- you name them!

Investing your time in either professional or personal growth is a form of self-care that’s not spoken about enough. And what’s a better time to take an online class than during the downtime of a rainy spring day?

Get Social

Reach out to family and friends for a social event, virtual or in-person. This is good for your mental health. Among the activities that you can use to put a social group together include hosting a game night, throwing a neighborhood evening party, or arranging an epic movie night.

One last thing…

Whatever you choose to do, don’t forget to catch up on sleep. You don’t want to get anxious and fatigued due to sleep deprivation. None of the self-care ideas we’ve shared above will be effective if your body can’t function properly.