It’s hard to believe that there is yet another social media platform that people use daily.

But here we are. TikTok has taken over this year. The app, a video-sharing social networking service, now has 800 million active users worldwide.

Like almost all social networking platforms, TikTok has a multitude of niche communities within it. From comedy, cooking, and dancing to fashion, news, and lifestyle- there is a video for any topic you could imagine. 

Likewise, TikTok has garnered a large number of creators solely focused on mental health awareness. One major benefit to TikTok’s mental health community is the video aspect of the app. When it comes to mental health, sometimes it’s difficult to say or write precisely how we’re feeling. Fortunately, there are thousands of creators out there who have made it their goal to show the world what these feelings look like.

While social media has its inevitable downsides- decreased self-esteem, increased feelings of isolation, etc.- if we engage on these platforms, we may flood our feeds with helpful content that will reduce feelings of depression and anxiety

7 Ways Social Media Can Benefit Mental Health

If you have caved and joined the 800 million other users, then these are five TikTok accounts you should follow to help with your mental health. 

5 TikTok Accounts for Your Mental Health 


    • Dr. Courtney Tracy creates relatable, sometimes comedic, videos on what therapy is like. She specializes in anxiety, addiction, childhood trauma, mood swings, and depression. In addition, she posts quick tips for various situations (procrastinating, anxiety, panic attacks) and explanations for why we may be feeling certain emotions and what to do with them. You can count on Dr. Tracy to normalize any feeling or concern you may be experiencing or have faced in the past.
  2. @mashmushe 

    • Micheline Maalouf, LMHC, specializes in anxiety and trauma. She posts signs we should look out for associated with different conditions (panic attacks, depression, mental health decline), and provides grounding techniques that you can do at the moment while watching her videos. Her followers love her for her “realness”, and for talking about things that often feel taboo: “being too nice”, dissociating, boundary setting, and unprocessed trauma. 
  3. @theshaniproject 

    • Shani MS joined TikTok with the goal of creating a safe space for POC to feel empowered about therapy and their mental health. Shani explains on her website that defining her life based on others’ opinions left her “lonely, tearful, and contemplating” taking her own life. She decided it was time to own herself and then wanted to help others do the same. Her TikTok highlights the importance of a therapist being culturally competent and shows the growth that can occur from finding someone that you trust to confide in. 
  4. @lindsay.fleminglpc

    • Although Lindsay Fleming’s videos can make just about anyone feels accepted, her account is especially helpful for adolescents struggling with mental health. She debunks myths surrounding mental health and posts simple yet informative videos explaining the difference between various mental health disorders. One of the main reasons her followers seem to appreciate her greatly is her self-disclosure and relatability. Lindsay Fleming may be a therapist herself, but she talks about her own hardships living with ADHD and emphasizes that while her videos are short, the process of dealing with mental health problems is often not. However, she’s there to help you get through it!
  5. @nabela 

    • Nabela is a bit different from the creators listed above. She is not a trained professional and does not post videos explicitly related to mental health, but if you’re in need of some self-care- she is the creator to check out. Nabela is famous on TikTok for her daily “pockets of peace”. She posts videos each day of what most of us would just take as a normal, mundane day and points to where we can find “pockets of peace”: lighting your favorite candle, taking a bath, calling a loved one. Nabela has shown her nearly 5 million followers how to make something out of nothing days. Her account is perfect for when you need some feel-good content. 

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Mental health is a difficult, complex topic. Obviously, there is much more to it than any sixty-second video could ever show. But in this world filled with social media, it’s helpful to find out during your endless scrolling that your feelings are valid. Whether these creators take your mind off of whatever difficulties you are facing at the moment or remind you that you are not alone with your feelings- these creators have made it their goal to help in one way or another.

TikTok is filled with every type of content you could ever imagine, but it’s gratifying to know that there are people in there fighting to destigmatize mental health and make it a priority.