I dance with the fairies,

I play in the stars,

I jump from rainbows,

I gaze from afar,

At the wishes and dreams,

Of an innocent mind,

I long for the youth,

I once had so blind,

When I couldn’t see danger,

I couldn’t see bad,

In the people around me,

I could never be mad,

In love with love,

On a cloud far away,

My youth was a place,

In my life story play.

I danced with the fairies,

I played in the stars,

I hurt myself jumping,

From rainbows afar,

The wishes and dreams,

Of an innocent mind,

The pain in my youth,

I once had was blind.

Danger surrounded,

Bad people lurked,

My love always died,

While the demons did smirk,

The clouds far away,

Where I lived in my head,

Turned heavy and grey,

Leaving innocence dead.

I dance with the fairies,

Escape to the stars,

The rainbows they strike me,

With arrows so sharp,

My colourful mind,

Wise and adept,

No longer lives,

In the clouds where I wept.

But stronger I am,

For experience past,

May fairies keep dancing,

In the shadows I cast.


Image: Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing c.1786 by William Blake, see here:
